Its either between GOD & MAN or MAN & GOD
TO WHOM DID OUR BIBLE HEROS SHARE THEIR PROBLEMS WITH? Let us see how our fathers in the scriptures handled their problems,confusions & crossroads. #AskEnoch -He had God as his companion.He always conversed with God. The scripture records that he lived for 365 years and had nine children.It isnt that easy to raise 9 children and still walk with God , but still he did it! #AskMoses -The whole crowd turned against him but he had God as his Guide / advisor and friend.Moses turned to the LORD whenever people turned against him in unbelief. #AskElijah - Elijah had no one to discuss his daily affairs with. Even when faced with an army he sought the LORD. Depressed or Enthusiastic He always turned to God and God had his back ALWAYS. #AskDavid -Remembering how the enemy was behind him to kill him for no fault of his, still chose to strengthen himself in the Lord rather than crying out to people for justice. #AskEsther - An Orphan who had to make her own life or death decision in appearin...